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Following the next guides you will learn how to navigate the UBC courses content.

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We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve issues.

Finding a Course

Browse courses

  1. Select Courses under the Browse menu.
  2. Select your campus and academic period.
  3. Scroll through the list of subject codes or filter by clicking the first letter of the subject code or course title.
  4. Click the Subject code to view all the courses offered in that subject.
  5. Click on the course to view the course description, number of credits, pre-requisites or co-requisites (if applicable), and sections offered (if any are available for the selected academic period).
  6. Click on the section for details like start and end dates, times, location, and instructor name.

Search courses

  1. Select Courses under the Search menu.
  2. Select your campus and academic period session.
  3. Enter your search terms in one or more of the search fields. Only one search term is required, but you can include more.
  4. Hover over the question mark symbol (?) for a description of the search field.
  5. Click Search for courses at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Courses matching your search will appear. Click on the course to see the course section offered.

Browse Standard Timetables (STT)

  1. Select Standard Timetables under the Browse menu.
  2. Select your campus and academic period.session.
  3. Select your Program Area.
  4. Select the year level. 
  5. Select your STT from the list.
  6. Hover over the Standard Timetable (STT) STT to see a preview of the timetable.
  7. Click on an STT to see the course sections and its details.

Course Search Terms

Subject Area: Search the subject codes of all UBC courses. (eE.g., ENGL_V or ENGL)
Course Number: Full or partial number for a specific course (100-level courses indicate first year, 200-level courses indicate second year, and so on)
Credits: Number of course credits
Courses that require in-person attendance: Use this search function to display courses that require in-person attendance or don’t require in-person attendance.

  • Yes - The course requires in-person attendance
  • No - The course doesn’t require in-person attendance and can be completed

Mode of Delivery: How each individual activity—such as a lecture, lab, tutorial, and discussion—within a course is going to be delivered.

  • In-Person – The course activity is taking place in person.
  • Online – The course activity is fully online and does not require any in-person attendance.
  • Hybrid – The course activity has a mixture of mandatory in-person and online activities, as designed by the instructor.
  • Multi-Access – The course activity allows students the choice to complete it in person or online.

Activity Type: Type of course component (e.g., Lecture, Tutorial)
Academic Period: Search for a course within a specific academic periods (e.g. 2023 Winter Term 2, UBC-O or 2023 Winter Term 2 UBC-V)

General Terms:

Co-requisites: A course that must be taken before or at the same time as the selected course.
Eligibility Rule: Eligibility rules control who may register for the course section. A prerequisite rule shows that the student must complete a course before they can register for the selected course. A registration restriction rule shows that the student must be enrolled in a certain program to register for the selected course. Example of rule: “Student has completed all of the following course(s): IGEN_V 450 - Pipeline Engineering”
Cluster: A cluster of courses must be taken together. If a student registers in one course of a cluster, they must register in all the
courses in the cluster, or a registration error will occur.
Reserved Capacity: The number of seats in a course section may be limited for a program, year level, or a combination of both. Example of rule: “Must be enrolled in a Faculty of Arts degree program”
Program Area: This term applies to Standard Timetables (STT) only and shows how the STTs are grouped together. You can see the STTs available for an academic periodsession by selecting a program and year level.
Course: Find descriptions for all courses currently approved by UBC's Senate on our website. Not all courses listed are offered each academic period.
Credit: The credit value of a course.
Academic Unit: Each Faculty or School is usually made up of several departments. For instance, the Faculty of Science consists of the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Biology, the Department of Physics, and more. In the course schedule, the terms “Subject” and “Academic Unit” are used interchangeably.
Course Section: A course section is the particular class you register in. Section details include the time, location, term, and professor. Each section has registration limits—some sections might be full, while others might be available.
Status: Course sections have statuses that indicate their availability.

Status Codes:

  • Open: The course section is open for registration. See registration instructions.
  • Cancelled: The section is no longer offered.
  • Closed: The section is full and no waitlist is available.
  • Waitlisted: The section has a waitlist for registration.

Waitlist: Some course sections allow students to register for the waitlist and enroll register in a course section once a seat becomes available. 
Year Level: Year levels are typically shown by course numbers. Search 100-level courses for first-year courses, 200-level courses for second-year courses, and so on.


Standard Timetables: This will list all the Standard Timetables (STT) offered at UBC. Select the Program Area and Year level, then hover over the timetable link to preview the days and times. You can view each STT for the sections, as well as a detailed timetable.
Courses: This shows all the subjects offered at UBC. Click a subject code to see its courses and sections.


Courses: Search for courses based on academic period, subject, keywords, and more.
Instructor: Search for instructors and the courses they teach.

Other Navigation Elements

Academic Period: Selecting an academic period will display all the subjects offered then. The Winter Session runs from September to April, and the Summer session runs from May to August.
Campus: Select the Vancouver or Okanagan campus.

How to view the course schedule

First, go to your Academics app

  1. Log into your Workday account at
  2. Click the "Academics" tab in the "Your Top Apps" menu on the right side of the page.